22 abr. INTERNATIONAL SUMMER COURSE 2017: archipelagos

A course that, following the principles of Orff-Schulwerk, aims to transmit a diversity of resources for the full development of the potential artistic potentials of the person through the musical heritages of traditions. It will be from the 17th to the 21st of July in Rubí....

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15 juny Open day on traditional music in the classroom, with Marta Santillan

Orff-Schulwerk proposes working on the traditional material of each area where it is applied. Based on this premise and a proposal by Marta Santillan, we invite you to share a workshop on the work of traditional music from around the classroom next Saturday, June 18 in Castellbisbal.

Marta will present some of the materials that work in the course monograph 2016 that the AOE organizes in Madrid (attached leaflet). This will be the starting point for sharing, and if we want it, our experiences around traditional Catalan music or nearby environments.

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